Strengthening the link between research and practice: item has just joined Germany’s Society for Labour Sciences

A key objective of Germany’s Society for Labour Sciences (GfA) is to promote dialogue between the worlds of research and industry. Maintaining close dialogue with research institutes is also a top priority at item. As a new GfA member, the market leader in building kit systems for industrial applications is seeking to forge close ties with research and industry experts to incorporate the latest findings in ergonomics, occupational health & safety and digitalisation into its production. item is also placing greater focus on interaction with students and thus with potential future recruits.
Germany’s Society for Labour Sciences (GfA) recently welcomed item as a new member. By coming on board, the market leader in building kit systems for industrial applications is seeking to forge close ties with experts from the worlds of research and industry. The aim is to tap into trends and incorporate new findings into ongoing work on the item work bench systems, discovering how solutions could be made even better and ensuring work processes are continuously improved. item is particularly keen to draw valuable inspiration in the fields of digitalisation and Industry 4.0. “By becoming a member of the GfA, we also hope to meet students so we can recruit motivated new staff for our company,” item product manager Marius Geibel explains, adding: “One of the ways we do that is by offering students the chance to write their bachelor’s of master’s dissertation here at item.”
Creating the optimum working conditions
The GfA is dedicated to creating healthy, safe and efficient living and working conditions. Founded in 1953, the society draws up guidance related to labour sciences, hosts conferences, and publishes proceedings, books, journals and other forms of documentation. Acting as a platform for intensive dialogue between researchers and members from other work backgrounds, the GfA also provides information on suitable training options and study courses. Anyone trained in labour sciences can become a member.
Having already achieved AGR (Campaign for Healthy Backs) certification, the company’s membership of the GfA constitutes yet another milestone in the drive to promote healthy and efficient working conditions.
Length: 2,415 characters including spaces
Date: 8 April 2019
Photos: 2
Caption: By joining the GfA, item hopes to integrate the latest research and industry findings into ongoing work on the item work bench systems.
About item
item Industrietechnik GmbH is a global market leader in building kit systems for industrial applications and employs around 500 members of staff. It has been designing and marketing construction solutions for machinery, fixtures and plants since 1976. The product portfolio comprises more than 3,500 high-quality components designed for use in machine bases, work benches, automation solutions and lean production applications. Thanks to the inclusion of transport solutions and dynamic elements, the company’s products can cover virtually all working processes, from manual production to automated manufacturing. The highly skilled employees work day in, day out to develop innovative solutions for state-of-the-art mechanical engineering and also offer exceptional consulting services. item is headquartered in Solingen, Germany. Eleven branches and support centres ensure the company is always close to customers in Germany. The group has wholly owned subsidiaries in the USA, China, Mexico, Italy, Poland and Switzerland.